Weekly Journal #13


2 min read

I couldn't motivate myself in the last two weeks to finish my draft blog post about Kotlin/JS that I mentioned in Journal #12. I didn't even want to confront it, so I did not post my weekly journal last week. I did enjoy life in general, but I'm sad about not being motivated to continue with my Kotlin/JS blog series. I'm going to try again this week!


Microsoft Design posted about their new Green Design Principles. It is an insightful post. They also have a short PDF booklet.

Indeed, UX design doesn't come to mind when people think about solutions to combat climate change. Principles are easy to understand but probably hard to justify to a decision-maker or product owner if they're not on the same page about the energy impact of the particular design. I hope that it will be easier to implement and enforce the principles as a company-wide initiative.

It'd be nice to refer to these principles while building or implementing a UX flow of the app.


I did not know that the drawing.new existed. I learned about this from the fun facts post about drive. I use draw.io, but it's good to know that Google has a drawing tool integrated within its workspace products.